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Digital wisdom future | Aerospace Science and Technology held the information process system construction kick-off meeting

2024-03-30 10:02:08

     In order to continuously enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise, optimize information technology and conditions, improve the company's business process, improve management efficiency and ability, on March 28, 2024, Hangyu Technology held a launch meeting to empower the core of the all-level, all-process, all-factor information process system construction. Chairman Zhang Hua, deputy General manager Wu Yongan, deputy general manager Huang Dongmei, Chief information officer LAN Baoshan, heads of departments and related employees attended the meeting.
      Wu Yongan, deputy general manager of the company, chaired the meeting and pointed out the overall objectives and requirements of the project, he stressed that information productivity as an emerging social productivity, can more efficiently manage and organize personnel, equipment, materials, financial and other resources, thereby greatly improving the company's production efficiency and management capabilities, all departments must pay attention to the construction and effectively promote the project landing.
        Zhang Xiaofeng, Assistant manager of System Security Department, made a report on the information process system construction scheme, introduced in detail the project scheme of information process system construction as well as the organization and security measures of process construction. Chief Information Officer LAN Baoshan shared a review of the company's information construction work history and external visits in recent years, and stressed that digital transformation is the most important "strategic change project" of the company, and all departments should actively update from the organizational structure, talent team, technical services, work processes and other aspects.
        Zhang Hua, chairman of the company, pointed out that digital construction is the main theme of the company to achieve high-quality development, and the launching ceremony of the information process system construction marked that the company is about to enter a new development stage of digital boost management improvement. He pointed out that leading cadres of various departments should focus on business, carry out information process system construction around the production process and management process, and make the following work deployment:
1. Change your mind and improve your cognition
The leading cadres should be deeply aware that the work is not by "roar" out of the effect, but the orderly cooperation of a team, careful practice, to innovate working methods, change the way of working from the idea, to achieve standardization, process, to pay attention to the control of the quantity of work, but also to grasp the quality improvement.
2. Implement the leadership first responsibility system
Leading cadres of various departments should take the initiative to act, focus on business flow and physical flow, and ensure that every point in information flow and physical flow can be controlled in place and data collection is in place. Be good at using data to speak, through data aggregation, comparison and analysis, from the complex phenomenon to accurately dig out the root of the problem.
3. Ensure the implementation of closed-loop management
In the construction of information process system, it is necessary to ensure that the plan can be executed, checked and evaluated to ensure that the target is landed. Through the whole tracking and result inspection, the inspection is standardized, planned, organized, with results, rectification and records, and the closed-loop management of "finding problems - solving problems - continuous improvement" is truly achieved.
(Chen Gaopeng, System Security Department)

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